7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever- Exclusive Treatment

 Dengue fever is a viral fever that is caused due to one of the Dengue viruses (DENV) which is transmitted to Humans by an Infected mosquito. Mainly the infected female Aedes aegipty mosquito transmits the disease from human to human. Today we will see & warning signs of dengue fever and its exclusive treatments.

Dengue Fever
Dengue Fever

Types of Dengue viruses.

There are four types of Dengue viruses found DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4.

This virus is mostly found in tropical and subtropical regions like Africa, South Asia, South America and the Pacific islands. India is more prone to the dengue fever. This disease is Endemic in Nature. The incubation period of dengue fever is 3 to 10 days from infection from mosquito, and symptoms start after 3 to 10 days after infection. Most people are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms but as per data 1 out of 10 people develop severe symptoms like dengue shock syndrome or dengue hemorrhagic fever and it can be fatal for human beings. In this article, we will see the Causes, Signs and symptoms, prevention and treatment of dengue fever.

Dengue fever is also called as Breakbone Fever.

Prevalence and Causes

As described above this disease is caused by female species of the Aedes group of mosquitoes, mainly the Aedes aegipty mosquito. This mosquito also transmits diseases like Chikungunya, Zika virus, Yellow fever etc. This mosquito bites only in the daytime or in the early evening.  This mosquito lives indoors as well as outdoors. This mosquito breeds in fresh stand water above house roofs, flowerpots other water logging sites near home.

A pregnant woman already infected with the dengue virus can transfer dengue fever to the fetus both during pregnancy as well as during delivery time.

There is no evidence of dengue transmission through blood-to-blood contact, unsafe sexual intercourse, and breastfeeding.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms start showing after 3 to 10 days after infection. Most people are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. After starting symptoms, they last for 3 to 7 days.

The symptoms of dengue fever include

  1. High-grade fever is usually 1040F or 400C
  2. Bodyache / Myalgia
  3. Pain behind eyes
  4. Nausea and Vomiting
  5. Headache and weakness
  6. Bone Pain (so it is also called as Break Bone Fever)
  7. Skin Rash
Symptoms of Dengue Fever
Symptoms of Dengue Fever


Some people may develop severe symptoms that may be fatal, usually, those who get infected by this virus a second time are more prone to serious symptoms, With the above symptoms the serious Symptoms of dengue fever may be considered as

7 warning signs of dengue fever

  1. Bleeding through gums, nose, stools, Urine or vomitus
  2. Severe abdominal pain
  3. Sleepiness
  4. Restlessness
  5. The patient may become dehydrated and Very thirsty.
  6. rapid breathing with weak pulse and tachycardia
  7. Pale and cold skin


Severe dengue fever can cause body vessels damaged or leaky due to sudden drops in platelets which results in internal bleeding and can cause organ failure leading to death.

Dengue Hemorrhagic fever

It is usually found in children below 15 years of age and also rarely occurs in an adult, as the name suggests In this condition bleeding from any site can happen and lead to death

Dengue shock syndrome

In this condition, due to excessive bleeding, the patient can go into sudden shock which leads to death if untreated.

Diagnosis and Blood tests

For Confirmation of Diagnosis of dengue fever blood tests can be done

  • ELISA Dengue NS-1 Antigen tests
  • IgM Dengue
  • IgG Dengue
  • Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) for Dengue

Some other tests are done in dengue fever for evaluation seriousness of the disease

  • CBC for platelet and blood component
  • PT-INR
  • BT / CT
  • LFT (Liver function tests)
  • KFT ( Kidney Function Tests)

Some more tests may be needed according to the severity of the disease.

Some physicians may ask for USG abdomen to rule out splenomegaly or Hepatomegaly.

For more information about tests you may read Lab Diagnosis

Prevention and Home Care

As discussed above in this post the main causative factor of Dengue Fever is Aedes aegypti mosquito, prevention from mosquito bites may reduce the chances of infection. We will see how to prevent from biting mosquitoes.

  • Use of mosquito repellent creams, coils, liquids, etc.
  • Use mosquito nets on the bed.
  • Use full-sized dresses to avoid mosquito bites
  • As Aedes aegypti mosquito breeds in clean water, keep the surrounding area clean, clean and dry all vessels once a week this may prevent the production of Larvae.
  • Remove standing water in Flowerpots etc. once a week.
  • Use Larvicide or insecticide to reduce mosquito population and disease.

Using the above preventive measures you may reduce the chance of infection from this virus.

Treatment of Dengue Fever

We saw 7 warning symptoms now we will see the exclusive treatment part of dengue fever. Most people get cured by home remedies or simple paracetamol, Avoid NSAIDs as it may increase the chances of bleeding once you get confirmed for it.

As with other Viral fevers

  • Patients should Rest for at least 3-5 days or symptoms subside.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water, a Liquid diet etc.
  • If patients have high fever, Headache you should take Antipyretics like Paracetamol, and non-steroidal Inflammatory drugs should be avoided until dengue virus infections are ruled out due to the risk of bleeding disorder.
  • If symptoms worsen patients should take Expert medical advice and seek care.

If warning signs as described above are showing or the fever continues for more than 3 days you should consult an expert doctor for care.


In conclusion, dengue remains a significant public health concern in many parts of the world, particularly in regions where the Aedes mosquito, the primary vector for the dengue virus, is prevalent. This viral illness can range from mild to severe, with potentially life-threatening complications in severe cases.

Prevention, primarily through mosquito control measures and community education, plays a pivotal role in reducing the incidence of dengue fever. Furthermore, early diagnosis and prompt medical attention are crucial for effective management.


Q. What are the 3 stages or phases of dengue fever?

A. The incubation period of dengue fever is 3-10 days. Febrile, critical and recovery are 3 phases or stages of dengue fever.

Q. How long do Symptoms of dengue fever last?

A. Symptoms of dengue fever start to appear after 3- 10 days and last for 3-10 days.

Q. Is dengue more active at night?

 A. Dengue fever may occur anytime but dengue mosquitoes are mostly active in the daytime.

Q. What is the incubation period of Dengue fever?

A. The incubation period of dengue fever is 3 to 10 days

Q. Can Dengue transfer a Pregnant woman to the fetus?

A. A pregnant woman already infected with the dengue virus can transfer dengue fever to the fetus both during pregnancy as well as during delivery time.

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